“Fall” into Music at MCC

Author: Deb Neuman - Music Director

We are always welcoming new people to be part of our music making at MCC.  Here are some places for you!

MCC Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 6:30 and sings twice a month for worship.  The choir is a fun, friendly group who enjoy music and the community found in group singing!  It is open to High School singers through adults.

Celebration Singers sing several times per year and is made up of singers Kindergarten through adult.  It is a short-term commitment, involving a couple rehearsals specific Sundays, after church.  The multi-generational make-up of this choir has been very enjoyable for all singers!

Special Music, made up of vocalists and/or instrumentalists, is shared in worship and can be in the form of solos or ensembles. We welcome different styles and genres of music.  The music staff is happy to help with music selection and rehearsing if desired.

Song Leaders lead the congregational songs each Sunday.   Song leaders are provided with music and support they need to prepare for their Sunday.

Deb Neuman is happy to provide more information on any of these opportunities.  Talk to her after church or email at mccmusic@middletonucc.org.   Is there something  musically  you would be interested in offering?  Let us know!


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